Bottle Caps

Step anywhere along the ‘trash line’ on beaches and you will inevitable find a bottle cap. They comprise of roughly 8% of the 5.25 TRILLION estimated pieces of plastic in our oceans. Because of their size and bouyancy, they look like food to sea birds and marine life. Pick them up when you see them. Throw them away or better yet, transform them into a beautiful piece of art that reminds us of our responsibility to reduce and restore!

All the bottle caps (and more!) pictured below came from a small patch of bay ‘beach’ in Hull along George Washington Boulevard and the Truro neighborhood. They wash up, get stuck in dead marsh grass beds and so remain until picked up by human hands, swallowed by birds, or washed away again by the tides. I only had to stand in place and reach around me to pick up nearly 100 caps.

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